RF & Microwave
AR RF/Microwave Instrumentation provides Total RF Test Solutions, by offering customers RF test instrumentation, RF test systems, and EMC test software. More specifically, we manufacture and distribute:
RF & Microwave Solid State Amplifiers ranging from: 1 – 100,000 W, 10 Hz – 50 GHz
Antennas to 15,000 W input power, 10 kHz – 50 GHz
EMC and Wireless Test Systems
Multi-tone test systems
Field measuring equipment
EMC test software
EMC & RF test accessories
Quantum Computing & Cryogenic Applications
High density TR Multi-Coax Cabling TM
50 Ohm Hermetic feedthroughs
In-Line Cryogenic Attenuation
Advanced Near-Processor Solutions
TR Multi-coax
Superior Signal Integrity in 5G frequency range
Up to 24 channels in a dense footprint
Reliable Mates to a solderless PCB Footprint for 1000+ cycles
Models up to 90 GHz+
micro-LinkOVER™ – Above PCB Connector System
Performance up to 112G+ PAM4 per lane (demonstrated at 100Gbaud per lane)
SNR > 30dB of Insertion loss to Crosstalk @ 50 GHz
Eliminates complicated and lossy trace routing
High Density footprint get more channels closer to the IC
Designed specifically for differential pair routing
What is a Laser Scan Analyzer?
GouMax Laser Scan Analyzer (LSA) products are multi-function power meter modules. They are called "Laser Scan Analyzer" because LSA modules are usually used in various applications to measure optical power levels in conjunction with a Tunable Laser Source. The LSA consists of high-speed power meters that measure power levels with synchronized high-speed laser sweeping. More distinctively, LSA provides wavelength measurement for sweeping lasers. Therefore, LSA modules can provide the following functions:
It can be used as a normal power meter to measure static laser output power
Measures the power of high-speed sweeping lasers and provides the power reference for relative power measurements.
Measures the wavelength of the sweeping laser and provides wavelength reference.
Using multiple LSA Modules, devices with over 64 ports can be measured quickly in one sweep.
Sweep and measure up to 400 nm/sec with up to 80db dynamic range in one fast sweep!
WavePulser Time Domain Reflectometers and S-Parameter Analyzers
S-parameters DC to 40 GHz, single-ended and mixed-mode
Impedance Profile with <1 mm resolution, differential and common-mode
Internal, automatic OSLT calibration
USB-connected, small, lightweight
Remove effects from fixtures, connectors and cables
Emulate eye diagrams with CTLE, DFE and FFE equalization. Advanced jitter analysis