RF & Microwave

AR RF/Microwave Instrumentation provides Total RF Test Solutions, by offering customers RF test instrumentation, RF test systems, and EMC test software. More specifically, we manufacture and distribute:

High performance Multi-Coax and Coaxial Assemblies, Connectors, Interposers and Sockets used in the development of next generation electronics systems. 

Quantum Computing & Cryogenic Applications

TR Multi-coax

micro-LinkOVER™ – Above PCB Connector System

Measurements include:  Hi Speed PDL Analyzer, PD Responsivity Analyzer, Power Meter Adaptor, EDFA Gain Tests

What is a Laser Scan Analyzer?

GouMax Laser Scan Analyzer (LSA) products are multi-function power meter modules. They are called "Laser Scan Analyzer" because LSA modules are usually used in various applications to measure optical power levels in conjunction with a Tunable Laser Source. The LSA consists of high-speed power meters that measure power levels with synchronized high-speed laser sweeping. More distinctively, LSA provides wavelength measurement for sweeping lasers. Therefore, LSA modules can provide the following functions:

Spectrum Monitoring Solutions

Distributor for Narda-STS

WavePulser Time Domain Reflectometers and S-Parameter Analyzers